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We've collected thousands of anonymous apology letters from fans around the world! Submit yours below, or CLICK HERE to read others.

"Have you ever made a mistake, Henry?"


Lola (Valerie Brandy)-- a 22 year old ex-con who spends her time completing her community service by picking up trash on the side of the highway-- is making an apology video letter for her mysterious pen-pal "Henry." Through her antics, which range from darkly humorous to heartbreakingly honest, we discover a girl who's full of contradictions. Tugged in opposite directions by her best friend Ree (Annamarie Kenoyer), and her new love interest Sam (Travis Quentin Young), Lola tries to piece her life back together in the aftermath of a huge mistake. Lola seeks the answer to a question familiar to anyone who's ever done something they wish they hadn't: "How do we move on?"

Join the Movement

Is there something you need to get off your chest?

What are YOU most sorry for?


Write your anonymous apology letter in the form below, and we'll post it to our apologies page. All letters are anonymous.

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Lola's Last Letter

Lola's Last Letter Movie

Lola's Last Letter Film

Lola's Last Letter Valerie Brandy

Lola's Last Letter Annamarie Kenoyer

Lola's Last Letter Travis Quentin Young

Movie Lola Letters Independent Film

Anonymous Apology Letters

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